Forget your car
expenses for the rest of your life!!
That's right, here you have a
step-by-step recipe on how to turn your car expenses
into a positive cash flow every year from now
Want to make a
$10,000 in extra cash per year??
It's as simple as swapping car two
or three times a year, and make a profit of
$3,000.00-$5,000.00 each time.
We outlined the exact step-by-step procedure to do
just that. It's a simple recipe, not harder than
doing a sponge cake. (Said by a guy who can hardly
boil some water. )
Maybe you want a
full-time income, would $50,000.00 extra per year
help you??
We have thousands of people, in
Australia and around the world, doing just that.
They have taken this little hobby idea and turned it
into a nice and easy business, and they are laughing
all the way to the bank
Look at it another way;
Are you a regular saver? Putting aside a few dollars
now and then for a rainy day? Are you getting a good
return on your investment?
How about 500% up
to 1,000% return on the money you put into this
I'm not joking, you have a few testimonials
here, and you have the exact facts and figures
throughout the book. It's almost a daily occurrence,
people calling or e-mailing us telling about 100% or
150% return on a trade.

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Hi guys this is amazing!!
Bought a second car couple weeks ago, a 2000
Mitsubishi Lancer. It had a small hit in the back,
but I only bought it (as you instructed in your
book) because I needed some front end parts. I paid
$700 for the car, but with auction fees and freight
I had it at home at about $900.00.
I immediately put in ads in trading post, though for
parts I didn't need, and the total car.
Today 12 days later!!!! I sold the car for $2000.00
!!!!! Yay….. how easy is it to make $1,000
Thanks a lot guys, your book was worth thousand
dollars in the first month I owed it!!!!
Stephen Brisbane.

Hi Car trading geniouses!!
I tested your ideas about hail damage cars,
including the minimum spending concept.
I bought a Mazda 323 Protégé 2000, it
was pretty “dented” on roof, boot lid
and bonnet, and the windscreen washer damaged by the
hails. The car cost me $2000.00 and I had to call a
mobile windscreen guy to come out and replaced the
We the fees, freight and windscreen the car owed me
about $2,500.00 - plus on road costs. I named it
“dimple” and it was a lovely fun car to
drive, and “dimple” was well recognized
and developed a good personality among my
After about six months I sold the
“dimple”, was a bit saddening to part
with my friend - but life have to go on. And the
sales price of $5000.00 quickly change my sadness to
Thanks A lot Auction Trades!!! I Love

For most people the family car are the second
largest household expense, whether it's at $10,000
car or 100,000 luxury - it is a severe stretch of
the family budget. Add to that, that we quickly
realize that the household need a second car - and
soon after that our teenage kids start hassle us for
a car of their own.
And the actual purchase of these cars is only the
beginning, add to that the petrol for them all every
week, the service is a few hundred dollars each
time, and God forbid that the old bum should dare to
break down.
We might even cause our self even more grief and put
some finance on the car, neither $10,000 car
suddenly is a $15,000 burden before it's over. But
it never is over is it? A $10,000 car array only
lasts as long as the payments, you simply can top up
and convert the load to the next vehicle.
Many others uses the house and the home mortgage as
a finance tool, after all we get a lot lower
interest that way. But I'll be saving? You may
stretch your car payment over 20 or 30 years, how
much have the car cost you after 30 years?
Considering the sold it for thousand dollars 15
years ago.

Sorry if I sound negative folks, I actually want
to make a point.
We are all told over and over how risky it is with
investment, wow risky it is with business. And
buying a car on auction is at terrible risk, it's
going to fall a part on the way home and he gonna
cost you thousands of dollars.
The doomsayers forget to inform you that you might
buy a government owned and well serviced vehicle
with less than 40,000 km traveled. And yes you do
have Manufacturer Warranty on the car.
Is it now the deadly risk that you have been led to
In the book we spent several chapters showing you in
intricate detail how to calculate the risk, (read
minimise.) whether you buy a new car, a crash
damaged car or an old bum. Long before you raise
your finger to give the auctioneer your bid, you
know exactly on the dollar would you rather pay for
the car, you know exactly what the additional costs
going to be, and you even know what the repair costs
if any the car is going to cause you.
And by the way you have in your calculations the
exact price you can sell the car for in a week or a
month, if you so desire, and thus you have your
profit margin. That is the exact amount of cash you
would cram down your pocket, when these fun little
adventure is over.
Have fun playing - once you're in this game you will
have a hard time find anything more fun and less

Of Page
Here I will show you who can't make any car
ownership, an enjoyable and hugely profitable
business from day one. Or if you want to go a step
further how you easily can make a good living by
driving nice cars for a short period of time.
Invest in auction cars and make 500% up to 1000% in
annual return on your investment.
This is what we do on a daily basis, and now we have
put it all in a nice step by step book format for
Have you ever thought about buying auction car - but
the fear, uncertainty and all the risks you heard
about have kept your way
Most People Are Too Busy Earning A Living To Make

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