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Common Sense Blog

The Illusive Lotto Hierarchy.

Thursday, March 11th, 2010

Are we sheep’s or are we donkey’s?

For a long time now I have assumed we were sheep’s trapped in the paddock, and as one of us attempted to escape the miserable life in the paddock he was quickly stopped by the others. Seemingly as if that otherwise so lovingly friendly mates in an instant could turn into nasty police officers, eagerly and both un-paid and unrewarded running the errands of the farmer to keep each other in the rut until slaughter-day.

Well maybe we are donkeys after all, or have I discovered the two personalities of a 95 percent’r? Where the donkey, with the right carrot on a safe distance in front of him, calmly and peacefully are walking, walking and walking. Totally ignorant to the fact that the carrot on the stick, would always be a little bit in front of him and thus beyond reach.

Our Society Structure;

I have for years - preached that we have a society perfectly designed to keeping us poor, and our society in turn are totally dependent on having 95% of us as eager and hungry workers.

Hungry wolfs are always the best hunters.

The ideal servant in society IS POOR, (always more days left at the end of the money.) IS SCARED, (what if I break the law, what if I can’t pay my rate, my car-rego etc.) and SOMEWHAT UNHEALTHY. (Pain in the back, but must work, need a health check but have no time, nor money.)

The sheep’s around us tells us to stay calm, not to rock the boat, and if we attempt something they are there to put us in place.

The donkeys on the other hand have seen the carrot, they are happily and quietly wallowing along towards the ever eluding gold.

The society at large, unwittingly but out of necessity, allows 5% of us to become “financially free” - and possibly 1% of us achieves a wealthy millionaire status.

And here you have the carrot eluding the donkey, the 1% to 5% that “made it” are there to act as a carrot for the donkeys at the farm. The sheep’s on the other hand have already surrendered to the paddock boredom, they had enough cross for the day and couldn’t care less about some carrots.

Their two legged counterpart are grassing away on their weekly carton of beer, and their paddock is the favourite television couch and Saturday footy.

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Our intelligent and creative politicians, (that is intelligent and creative when it comes to feeding himself) or in an endless an ever increasing craving for money. Which seems to be the only area where their creativity really sprouts into bloom, and one such creativity day the miserable and devastating lotto system was born.

Have you ever noticed the strong similarities with this baby and its mother; society at large?

You have the 1% to 5% winning the millions, laughing all the way to the bank, and heavily promoted as the success stories by the gaming syndicates. Shortly after though, the lime-light is fading, and they quietly but quickly hand it all back to society through a ridiculous overspending.

The 95% though Is happily feeding this ridiculous farce, and contributes their hard earned and heavily taxed dollar into this voluntary tax system.

The donkeys writing up system and talking about catching this first division win, while the sheep’s are disillusioned and only spends a good part of their weekly earnings out of habit - and because the other sheep’s does.

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But it doesn’t stop there fellow achievers;

If society, that is your government and subordinated so-called authorities, including the government owned or completely controlled gaming industry, doesn’t suck you completely dry - than the private sector sure will.

Your fellow sheep’s and donkeys cleverly disguised as a successful corporations, more specifically network marketing companies, multilevel marketing sometimes named pyramid-schemes. They have since the late 50s successfully multiplied, and populated the world with seemingly identical siblings to the above mentioned suckers.

Rather than writing it again, I could possibly just copy and paste a couple of paragraphs from above. But let’s type away - with good help from my new friend Blondie.

You have the 1% to 5% million dollar earners, winning the luxury cars, house and travelling bonuses, again the little group laughing all the way to the bank. And the company’s promotion sectors heavily promoting the success stories to the hungry donkeys and sheep’s that they need to support the game.

The 95% though is happily feeding this farce too, and contributes their hard earned and heavily taxed dollar into this voluntary charity system - somewhat misdirected charity I might add.

By the way…

Have you ever heard about a MLM company changing the playing rules without notice and reduce the commission for the masses?  I certainly have more than once! Or worse still, just closing the doors and go out of business.

This is the two options they choose when their calculation was wrong, and it seems like any group among the 95% “feeders” are making too much money. It has to be maximum 5% top achievers and minimum 95% “feeders to satisfy the profit margins for the founders.

So there you have it - and after all that I would like to offer my deepest and most sincere apologies for being such a delusional and negative preacher.

I always lived by the motto that the problem recognized is half way solved.

That’s any problem we encounter has within it the seeds to its own solution and great success.

Or thirdly; that problems are only opportunities disguised in work clothes.

As mentioned the systems, scams, or call it financial prisons, are depending in their core structure on the one to five percent acting as carrots for the contributors.

And the good news is that anyone of us has all the opportunities to enter this little group.

There on many vehicles available, outside the network marketing industry, definitely on a safe distance from the gaming scams, including systems for minimum contributions to society’s Ponzi schemes.

Simply join us here at Aadvanced Financial Freedom; www.bestgoldcoast.com

The bigger our group becomes the stronger and more productive we can be, possibly to the extent of challenging the ugly dragon heads illustrated above.

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