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All about your Life and Business Success, balancing the FOUR PILLARS of wealth.

The topics will be focused on Wealth and Financial Success, but quite regularly we slip over to health as well. Our motto is “Healthy Wealthy and Wise”, and all the Wealth in the world is worth little if you don’t have the Health to Play the game.

Therefore, maybe you want to visit our sister site; www.conniehansen.com – It’s all about Health.

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Common Sense Blog


Being In Heaven Film

Part 5 of the 11 Steps of Personal Growth 

Michael Domeyko Rowland

Writer, Director and star of 'Being In Heaven'

Email us:  beinginheaven@hotmail.com

Web Site:  www.beinginheaven.com


Grow to Your Fullest Potential

Let's now continue with our series on how to grow yourself to your fullest potential. You will be amazed at what you have available, without being aware of it. All your powers of creating the life you want to live, as well as all the automatic patterns, which already create your life, come from your whole mind, both conscious and unconscious.

Let's take an analogy to understand this. The mind is like a river, which is always flowing, constantly in action. This surface of the river, with its ripples, undulations and bubbles, is like your conscious mind. It is the part you are aware of and familiar with. The underlying currents beneath the surface, that force which is really directing the whole flow and movement of the river, is your unconscious mind.

The Unconscious Mind

The surface of the river has no real power over the underlying currents. It is carried by the currents below. In the same way, it is your unconscious that drives your life. We are all driven to make choices and decisions based on the agendas and directions of the unconscious mind. These are the memories which have been conditioned into us. (We have covered those a little already in this series and will continue to do so in future issues).

What is less known is that your unconscious actually contains not only your conditioning, but also many more abilities and potentials than imagined. These are enriched sources of creativity, greater qualities of attraction, tremendous concentration and personal magnetism powers, which are all awaiting your call. Not only are all these available, but also your unconscious holds the keys to what are known as altered or higher states of consciousness.

It is these that will guarantee a success in life beyond your wildest dreams. Not only will they open you to all the higher perceptions of the mind, as well as the whole of your unconscious, they will put you in a state where you are far more aware of every situation you are in. You can develop a special insight into other people, with which you can see what drives them and what they really want. You realise how money can be made more easily and how to be successful in every area of life. Everything in daily life becomes merely a simple skill to learn. These are just some of the benefits of real self development.

To realise them, there are two main options

You either go to a monastery or similar, and give your whole life to achieving them. Or, you live in the world and become a master of your own experiences. You make your life a work of art, with you as the painter. The difficulty with the monastery style is that you may choose one that has lost the true knowledge of how to do this and you waste your life.

The other method, the worldly way, is far easier to test because you always have the immediate feedback of your daily life. Is what you are doing working and effective? It is apparent and obvious, so you can learn more methods if those you have are not working.

So the first step is become the director of your life experiences in a steady, step-by-step way. Make your relationships, career, wealth, lifestyle, behaviours, creativity fitness and general well being what you want them to be.

To do this requires knowledge of specific techniques, which have been tried and proven over many years. Our goals with our self development work, including the film 'Being In Heaven', are to inform as many people as possible about the methods of creating a great life.

The next step towards becoming more Conscious

Once you have decided to become the director of your life, and you are learning and applying the techniques and seeing results (because it can happen very fast for some), then you can begin the inner journey of becoming more and more conscious. What this means is that you become aware of an ever enlarging part of your unconscious, which is the source of your greater powers. In other words you dive into the ‘river' of your mind, below the surface ripples and bubbles, and enjoy the deeper potentials which you have within. This is the path of classical meditation and does not involve belonging to a cult or a religion. It is a series of techniques to help you to look within yourself.

Meditation only means internal concentration. You turn your attention back on itself so to speak. This again requires proper training, but once you have got it, you have it for life. It is just a knack, like learning to ride a two-wheeled bicycle. Once you know how, you have it forever. And you find that as you proceed with it, life does a flip and you start to discover that you are far more intuitive, and in synchronicity with more and more parts of your experiences. You are in the right place at the right time more and more of the time.

Start by spending a few minutes each day increasing the duration of your concentration on anything at all – driving the car, preparing a meal, having a shower, playing a musical instrument or anything else.

Next Issue

We will continue with methods for achieving great success.



Visit the Being In Heaven Site | Own the DVD

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This page is Created and Serviced by Olle Persson; - www.ollepersson.com - to assist people with desire to achieve more both on line and in life in general. We are a group of “Business Coaches” with extended experience in marketing, web development and effective web presence.

Success in life is a matter of BALANCE, Your Health and Energy, Your Family Life and Relationships, Your Career and Finance as well as your Spirituality, Peace and Harmony. With the 4 in place, you have TRUE WEALTH – with one missing we won’t call it “wealth”

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