host posted on May 02, 2010 00:31
Life Is For Living
A friend died this week from cancer. Apart from the personal sadness of seeing her go, especially in that way, two things occurred to me. One, never call it “The Big C” or “battling cancer”- we let it defeat us from the get-go by creating an image of an all powerful, unbeatable disease. Two, and far more important, is that each moment of life is precious … none of us know how long our journey on the planet is going to be … so find all the reasons to live.
Do you look forward to living a long, happy, and healthy life? I mean does the excitement of that cross your mind every day? Why not? If you see a future that is bright, you’ll be at peace with what life holds for you. It’s all a game really - this game of life.
Anticipate with joy what is to come. Are you focusing on the problems or the solutions? And if there are no immediately obvious solutions, can you visualise AS IF there are no challenges … visualise yourself travelling the world, experiencing many amazing things, and accomplishing unbelievable dreams. Can you take yourself, in your mind, to a place where you see yourself demolishing the barriers that you feel surround you today?
When you wake up in the morning, be thankful to be alive and healthy. Every day, you have dozens of reasons to get out of bed and live life to the fullest.
For a start, you matter to your family. Even when they have trouble communicating their love to you or when you don’t agree, your family loves you and needs you.
I bet your friends enjoy your company. You have a unique, one of a kind, personality and a sense of humour that is irreplaceable. Look forward to the experience of having your friends loving being around you and spending time with you. They can’t if you’re always depressed or burdening them with your problems.
Change your perspective on work. No one gives you a job for the fun of it. The work you do, no matter how small you may see it, is important to many people. Choose to be the only one in the world who can do your job quite like you. Become indispensable!
So today, count your blessings and give thanks for your life. Live one day at a time and remind yourself that storms pass by, giving way to calm. Choose to live life today …. it beats the alternative … ask my friend!
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How can you reconnect with your friends and loved ones?
2. When was the last time you made a decision to really go for life?
3. What future can you visualise for yourself?
Dr Barry Pierce